105 Senior Centers in NYC are being threatened

105 Senior Centers in NYC are being threatened with closing, due to the proposed title xx cuts. What can you do to try to stop the senior centers from closing? Last night the PESID, People Empowering Senior Independence, group met. We had representatives at the meeting from Council Member Domenic M. Recchia Jr. Office, along…

105 NYC Senior Centers Potentially Slated to Close

On April 1, the new budget will go into effect.  Millions of dollars in funds will be cut from Title 20 of the NY budget.  Title 20 monies are partially used to fund NY Senior Centers.  According to Senator Golden, these monies have been allocated as part of the budget for decades.  He also said…

Seniors looking for the influenza shots

Seniors and Influenza/Pneumococcal Clinic Outreach Program of New York City.  Joyce Soden, Coordinator, Sea Gate Influenza Outreach Program, mentioned to me that people contact their medical providers for shots.  If you do not have coverage you can call 311 or visit  www.nyc.gov/flu to identify clinic locations where flu vaccines are available.  You might also try…