Bay Ridge Center Walk-A-Thon

The Bay Ridge Center walk-a-thon to help raise funds for
the Bay Ridge Center took place on Saturday September 25, 2010. The Bay
Ridge Center is a place where seniors meet. Joan Mason the Director of the Center was
pleased to see the support. Some of the funds raised will go to support the Meals on
Wheels program at the center. Meals on Wheels is a program, where meals are sent to seniors
in their homes. The center is also located in a NNORC, Neighborhood Naturally Occuring
Retirement Community. There are many activities that take place at the center.
From games, to dance, and lunch too. The Bay Ridge Center the place for you if you are a
senior. Need help accessing services? A social worker at the center can help
you with available programs. Some of our local political figures were there to start off
the fund raising. In attendance were New York State Assembly member Jenelle
Hyer-Spencer, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz,
State Senator Marty Golden, NYC Council Member, Vincent
Gentile. Some local businesses were there as well, Donna McClellan and staff from Connors and
Sullivan, myself, Annette Fisher with TLC reverse programs, a service of Fort Funding Corp, and
founder of, Professionals Empowering Senior’s Independance and dignity, Mary
Kae Higgins, Realtor at Coldwell Banker, along Patricia and Peter Killen. There
were many others there as well, and I’m sure the seniors at the center appreciate the
support from their community. We were gathered outside the center to either take part in
the walk or to cheer others on. Starting off the walk was a marching band.